E.W. Scripps, the corporation that employs me, sent me on a required trip to the Leadership Challenge located at Camp Joy, which is approximately a 45 minute drive outside of Cincinnati, Ohio. Every manager in the company is eventually required to go. I didn't have to pay for it and it's amazing how much more willing I am to go somewhere if it's not on my dime.
The company goes to great expense to create leaders. It's a pretty extraordinary thing. I learned a lot from the experience and was so exhausted most of the time that it was a struggle to stay awake but it was worth it.
My flight from Tucson to Chicago to connect to a flight to Cincinnati was delayed by an hour which caused me to miss the connecting flight. That was the start of the lack of sleep at the beginning of my journey that carried over for days since I was sleeping in a bunk bed located in a cabin at the camp. The flight back that connected through Denver was uneventful and I actually slept on the plane.
I stayed at the Cincinnatian Hotel the first night but arrived so late (after midnight) and got back up at 4:30 a.m. I didn't even have a chance to enjoy the fancy hotel room except for a few hours.
The Leadership Challenge involved extensive classroom time and physical activities. The weather was cool and damp (especially compared to Tucson's warm dry weather) and I was concerned before I went that I'd freeze so I went to Dick's Sporting Goods before I left and purchased about $300 worth of outdoor gear to wear. I will say that I probably went a little overboard but the waterproof hiking boots that were part of my purchase turned out to be an outstanding choice.
Overall, it was a worthwhile trip and I learned a lot. I'm glad I went.
Flight to Chicago delayed leaving Tucson.
This was the start of days of overwhelming exhaustion
While I waited for my delayed flight to leave Tucson
I watched this hard working woman clean the terminal
TSA employees having a meeting in the terminal
discussing how they handled a difficult passenger
at the security checkpoint the day before
Getting ready to board the plane leaving Tucson
and I thought I'd take a picture of this guy on the right
because I thought he had on a funny hat
Goodbye Tucson!
I had a window seat on the flight to Chicago
Another picture of Tucson from the plane |
I looked for people waving at the plane
but didn't notice any flapping arms
This guy sitting in the seat next to me on the flight to Chicago
was eating fruit and nuts and reading New Yorker magazine.
With a diet like that, I'll bet he has award winning poop.
O'Hare airport in Chicago |
Interior view of O'Hare Airport |
Busiest restaurant in the O'Hare terminal: McDonald's |
I had a Big Mac meal while waiting for my flight to Cincinnati |
Interior of terminal at the Cincinnati airport.
Not a lot of people there at midnight
My room at the Cincinnatian Hotel |
Hotel room bathroom |
Toilet with a handy phone and a huge shower |
Shower and tub |
Main room of the hotel room leading to the bathroom |
View of the hotel room from the other side of the room.
The bed was very comfy.
Campfire with wine, beer, and s'mores at Camp Joy |
The cabin I slept in while at Camp Joy |
All of us participated in this obstacle course called "Gemini"
where the obstacles were all 20-30 feet in the air
Waiting to take a turn on a Gemini obstacle |
Can't be afraid of heights to participate in this |
Unhooking someone from the Gemini zip line |
On the last day, everyone had an opportunity to climb that pole
in the middle with that little two foot square platform on the top
and jump off with a harness on
Everyone had an opportunity to try and jump and grab for the bar |
It wasn't an easy challenge |
One person out of all of us was successful in the bar grab |
Heading back to Tucson...
looking out the terminal window at the Cincinnati airport
I bought some Graeter's ice cream at the Cincinnati airport and it was really good.
It really is irresistible.
Final leg of the trip from Denver to Tucson and my plane
didn't have a row 13.
Cue the Twilight Zone music...