Friday, September 12, 2014

Mushroom cloud over Tucson

September is usually a pretty dry month with low storm counts and is usually just warm, sunny, and pretty boring weather.  However, this year it's been unusual.

Thanks to a couple of hurricane / tropical storms off the west coast of Mexico, we've had some wet weather.  Today brought a spectacular evening lightning show and some unusual looking storm clouds.

I shot this photo leaving work tonight of a storm cloud that looked a little like the mushroom clouds that form when an atomic bomb is dropped.  I've never seen a storm cloud quite like it and I had a camera handy to capture it.


Storm cloud impersonating an
atomic bomb cloud.

As seen looking east from the
KGUN 9 parking lot.

Here's my co-worker Karen
standing outside in the rain / sun.

Co-workers Karen and Robert.
This looks like the beginning of a
terrible musical.