I sent Rene, one of the awesome guests who is part of the TV show each month with Cakes for Causes (check out the
good work they do), a recipe I saw online for a Pinata Cake. I thought she'd want to include it in a show segment at some point. She surprised me by making the cake as a gift to me.
A piñata cake is a cake version of a piñata. Its a cake that has a space inside filled with candy. But, instead of beating the crap out of it with a stick like you do with a piñata, you just cut into it and eat it.
She made it a strawberry cake with strawberry icing and put an ice cream cone on the top to make it look like an upside down ice cream cone. It went along with the Cakes for Causes segment on the show where they made ice cream cone cupcakes.
The cake is wonderful. Thanks Rene!
The piñata cake |
The first slice into the piñata cake |
Making the second cut into the piñata cake, so when it's removed the candy will be revealed. |
Out comes the piece of cake, and the candy is inside! |
Candy inside of the piñata cake! Rene used M&M's. |
Anthony eats the cone. (Then, he proceeded to eat half of the cake in one sitting. Om nom nom) |