Sunday, June 10, 2012

The lost wallet of Brian Bennett

I was walking Lucky tonight around the apartment complex (Ridgepointe) and on the northwest corner of the complex Lucky stopped to sniff something on the sidewalk.  It turned out to be a wallet.

I wondered if it was garbage or if it actually had someone's stuff inside of it.  I don't like looking inside of someone's lost item like that because sometimes people are funny.  Knowing how my luck works I'd find a lost wallet, return it being completely honest, and then get accused of stealing stuff from it.  Then, if my luck would continue, I'd get arrested, sent to prison, and get rich writing a book about it.  Right when I'd get my first fat royalty check I'd have a heart attack and die.  I'd just like to return the lost wallet without all that.

I took a peek inside and it seemed like it was freshly lost.  There is an I.D. inside that had the complex's address and an apartment near mine on the other side of the complex from where I found it.

I located the apartment, knocked on the door, and a feeble woman's voice on the other side of the door said "who is it?"  I explained through the door that I had found a lost wallet belonging to a guy named Brian and it had her apartment number on it and asked if he lived there.  She said "No, I'm sorry."  I hope I didn't scare the poor lady.  I was just trying to return the wallet.

I know its dangerous to start knocking on random doors after dark near where I found the wallet.  I live in Arizona and I'm pretty much the only one who doesn't have a gun in this state.  I'd prefer to not have bullet holes in me.  I'm still healing from the dog leash wound from Friday afternoon.

I've resorted to my blog, Facebook and Twitter trying to locate the owner.  If you know a Brian Bennett who lives in or visits Ridgepointe Apartments, e-mail me at and I'll arrange to return the wallet.

To help, here's a photo of Brian from his I.D. and the wallet.

Brian Bennett, owner of the wallet I found.
Actually Lucky found it... Brian's lucky that Lucky didn't pee on it.

The Brian Bennett wallet.
I don't know what's in it but hopefully it isn't explosives or women's underwear.

UPDATE 6/10 at 11:20 p.m.:  I posted the link to this on Facebook and Twitter, and Twitter came through!  A guy named Kyle, who has mutual friends with Brian, identified and said its definitely the Brian he knows and he sent him a message on Facebook.  So, with any luck, he'll contact me and he'll get his wallet back tomorrow.

UPDATE 6/11 at 12:17 a.m.:  I've now received Tweets from three people on Twitter saying they know him.  One person has his phone number and left him a message.  Big love for Twitter!

UPDATE 6/11 at 6:30 p.m.:  Happy ending!  I was sent Brian's phone number thanks to his friend @HONORandINTGRTY on Twitter (who follows my @whatsuptucson Twitter) and I talked to him this morning.  I was able to return the wallet this evening.  In an odd twist, I took Lucky with me when I went to return it and for the first time ever the dog pooped on a sidewalk while walking.  I'm going to pretend it was his way of approving how it all turned out.