2011 was quite a year in my life.
I didn't travel far last year (I think the biggest drive I made was about 30 miles and no airplane trips). I didn't have to travel to have plenty of life adventures however.
The year included long hours working at Journal / Mega 106.3, moving in together with Anthony, guest hosting Cosmic Bingo, leaky roof issues in my apartment finally getting fixed, getting a couple of new digital cameras, my first call to jury duty since I've lived in Arizona, being nominated Tucson's Most Influential Man by Arizona Foothills Magazine (I came in third in the voting), my laptop dying and my brother Mike doing a rockstar job at fixing it, photos with Boyz II Men and the San Diego Chicken, getting a shout out from Patti LaBelle at her Tucson concert and I wasn't even at the show, doing stage announcements at the Old School Summer Jam in front of 5000 people, and the biggest bombshell of the year... getting let go from my six year job at Journal Broadcast Group... followed by quickly being hired at Fox 11 KMSB.
The last moments of 2011 were spent at Leslie's New Year's Eve party where at the stroke of midnight Anthony asked me to marry him. It was amazing. And I said yes.
The Kenparazzi photos:
Laura and Anthony |
A little bit o' conversation |
Holly turns her back on the half bottle of champagne she drank |
Leslie and Aaron |
Holly doesn't feel well.
I have a sad face... and an Elmo hat.
Holly takes medication. |
Goat cheese coated in blueberries.
Or as I like to call it: poop. |
I'm still wearing the Elmo hat and Anthony's hand is stuck in my armpit. |
Leslie's neighbors show up right before midnight to join in the festivities. |
Holly blows... her noisemaker.
It gets excited. |
Anthony sporting a crown lookin' thing. |
Holly's still blowing the noisemaker.
She's wearing it out. |
Toasting the champagne at midnight |
Laura... spilling in the New Year. |
Aaron and Leslie with a Happy New Year hug.
Awwwww. |
Everyone yells Happy New Year!
I feel a tug on my pant leg... look down...
and this is what I see.
A man holding a ring. |
I think this is meant for me! |
Together nearly three years...
Anthony asks me to marry him. |
I'm still in shock! |
The ring is awesome!
And.... I said yes! |
It does look good on my finger! |
Pepperoni pizza is the rockstar way to bring in a new year! |
The ring, the box in came in, and the foam thingy that holds cold drinks.
I may not be on that station anymore but I got the foam thingy for free.
And free is for me! |
After eating snacks I need a paper towel to keep my hand grease free so it doesn't
mess up the ring.
Oops... I bumped my ass into Leslie.
That may... or may not... have been on purpose. |
A pepperoni cheese French loaf thingy.
That's the biggest one of those... I've ever seen. |